Impressum according to § 5 TMG (German Telemedia Act)

1. Information according to § 5 TMG

Name of the provider:  Berliner Holzfenster BHF GmbH

Berliner Holzfenster BHF GmbH is a limited liability company under German Limited Liability Company Act (GmbH-Gesetz) with its registered office in Berlin, registered in the Commercial Register of the Charlottenburg District Court under the number HRB 173984 B.


VAT number (§ 27a UStG, Umsatzsteuergesetz, German Value Added Tax Act): DE305870377

Authorized representative/owner: Mariusz Krogulewski

Postal address: Manteuffelstrasse 3 - 4, 12103 Berlin, Germany.


Contact details:


Phone: +49 30 24355390



2. Further information

Information according to § 2 Dienstleistungs-Informationsverordnung (Service Information Ordinance):

Our General Terms and Conditions of Contract (GTCC) are applicable to all services rendered by us. You can find them under (link). According to our GTCC, German law is applicable to all contracts and the place of jurisdiction is Berlin, as far as it is legally allowed.

Information according to § 36 Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz (Consumer Dispute Settlement Act):

We are legally obliged to refer you to the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform (ODR-Platform) of the European Commission, which can be reached at However, Berliner Holzfenster BHF GmbH does not participate in any dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board and we are not obliged to do so.

3. Liability

We are responsible for the contents of our Internet pages in accordance with the statutory provisions, in particular in accordance with § 7 paragraph 1 of the German Telemedia Act. All contents are created with due diligence and to the best of our knowledge. Insofar as we refer to the Internet pages of third parties by means of hyperlinks on our Internet pages, we are not liable for the actuality, correctness and completeness of the linked contents, as these contents lie outside our area of responsibility and we have no influence on their future design. If, in your opinion, any content violates applicable law or is inappropriate, please let us know.

The legal information on this page as well as all questions and disputes in connection with this website are subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.


4. Data protection

You can find our privacy policy at (link).


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